Disk Space Usage Panel
If you are getting "disk full" warnings, you can login to your Cpanel on the server to see which directories have a large size and then remove files. Below is a video on how to use the Disk Space tool in Cpanel to analyze your usage.
Clcik the video below to view a video on how to use the Cpanel Disk Space Usage tool.
Below are ways to clear some of the old unwanted files so making more available disk space.
You can make more space available by removing unwanted files such as stats files from the following folders:
You should download these to your own computer and store on a backup disc, CD, memory stick, or tape as required. Then delete the years/months you do not require from your hosting account.
You can automate the removal by adding a cron job like the following:
for AWSTATS use:
find /home/username/tmp/awstats -type f -name 'awstats*.txt' -exec rm -f {} \;
for WEBALISER use:
find /home/username/tmp/webalizer -type f -name '*.png' -o -name '*.html' -exec rm -f {} \;
When you create a backup using cpanel the backup file will be placed in your home directory (by default - which is the root folder you see when you connect via ftp) with a name like:
You should download these to your own computer and store on a backup disc, CD, memory stick, or tape. Then delete the backup file(s) from your hosting account.
You may also note that the mail directory is taking up a lot of space. If so, use webmail or a desktop email client to delete/archive old messages.
If you have an email account which regularly uses webmail and is several years old you will find it is taking up a good deal of space. Squirrelmail tends to reserve space for session setting/etc and over time uses lots of space (the only way to completely clear this is to remove the email account and re-create it).
If you need to check other folders/files to find which are using the most search for "disk space usage" from within your control panel (cpanel) and use that application to track down which folders hold the most data(scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "+" next the largest folders to drill down).